Student 1: What if when you're evaluating a book you can't come up with any strengths? Or vice versa, any weaknesses? Student 2: I don't know. Just call him an asshole.
Overheard at: the Computer lab
1 comment:
You know you go to Yale Divinity School when...
-You understand jokes about Presbyterians. -You can often tell who a DaleMail is from just by looking at the subject line. -You use “He” to refer to God and feel guilty. -Your TA doesn’t show up for section and you discuss the readings anyway.
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Please include the following on all submissions: - Who said it. Man/Woman/Child/Ect. You can be specific or vague, but include something. Example: MDiv student: "blah"
- Where it was said. Example: Marquand Chapel
- Who overheard it. (optional) Example: Overheard by: One row back
I can't assume who or where, so if you want to see it, include it.
Conversations you participate in are not "overheards" and are generally not published. Cleverly disguise your role in the conversation... or just start listening more.
1 comment:
You know you go to Yale Divinity School when...
-You understand jokes about Presbyterians.
-You can often tell who a DaleMail is from just by looking at the subject line.
-You use “He” to refer to God and feel guilty.
-Your TA doesn’t show up for section and you discuss the readings anyway.
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