Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Gospel of Denys Turner

Denys Turner: Oh dear, where is that in Acts? I can't quite remember...but I'm a Catholic; I don't actually read the Bible.

(On Liturgy in the Pseudo Denys)
Denys Turner: ...Smells, Bells and the Lot...

Denys Turner: In the YEAR OF OUR LORD 500--and stuff the political correctness.

(On a 1960s Scouse translation of the Bible)
Denys Turner: At one point you have Jesus nattering to Nicodemus....

Overheard In: Medieval Theology


Denys Turner: Oh stop looking so amazed; the next time I chatter on for an hour, kick me in the shins and tell me to shut up.

Denys Turner: Is there a Book of Mary? I always felt that reading the Gnostics was bad for one's soul.

Denys Turner: Well PCs are basically Protestants and Catholics aren't they? Now we have ones which we rely on icons to operate--so Protestants are basically using Catholic computers since theirs aren't good enough--because, before, we had 'Protestant' ones where you had to type the commands; you really did have to rely only on 'the Word....'

Overheard In: Medieval Preaching

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“In our engagement with the scriptural text, we can legitimately say from time to time, ‘No, my dear brother, you are on this point mistaken!’”
--Harold W. Attridge